Consent to Medical and/or Surgical Treatment & Assumption of Risk and Release. In the event of injury to or illness of their son/daughter/ward, the undersigned hereby authorizes Big Ideas Educational Services, Inc. or representative thereof, to admit the registrant named to a facility for emergency medical treatment as may be deemed necessary to his or her health welfare. The undersigned hereby consents to whatever medical treatment is deemed necessary. The undersigned on his or her behalf of the registrant, their heirs, assigns and personal representatives, hereby releases Big Ideas, its commissioners, staff and employees from any and all claims arising out of the admission to, or treatment administered by, such facility. The undersigned hereby acknowledges and agrees that participation in the academic program and related activities carry with it an inherent risk of physical injury. In consideration of the registrant’s participation in the program, the undersigned, on behalf of the registrant, hereby assumes all such risks of physical injury and does hereby release and forever discharge Big Ideas, its commissioners, staff, employees and agents from any and all liability, claim or loss arising from bodily injuries or damage to personal property resulting from the registrant’s involvement and participation in the academic program. Consent to Medical and/or Surgical Treatment & Assumption of Risk and Release.
I hereby authorize Big Ideas, and the members of its staff to take such photographs, television recordings and/or live television transmission of the registrant in whole, or in part, as they or members of the staff may wish, and to use and publish the same in such places and publications as Big Ideas, or its staff in its sole discretion consider to be of benefit to said parties. I hereby waive any right that I may have to inspect and/or approve the finished product that may be used here under or the specific use to which it may be applied.
I hereby authorize Big Ideas, to transport registrant on approved fieldtrips and outings. I understand that Big Ideas will use insured transportation companies to transport my child. The undersigned hereby acknowledges and agrees that participation in the summer camp program and related activities carry with it an inherent risk of physical injury. In consideration of the registrant’s participation in the program, the undersigned, on behalf of the registrant, hereby assumes all such risks of physical injury and does hereby release and forever discharge Big Ideas, its commissioners, staff, employees and agents from any and all liability, claim or loss arising from bodily injuries or damage to personal property resulting from the registrant’s involvement and participation in the program.
Walker Form I hereby authorize my child to walk to and from the program site. I understand that my child must enter the building and immediately go to the program area upon arrival. At dismissal, my child must exit and leave the grounds immediately, and not loiter in the building or in the bus loading area. The program reserves the right to revoke permission to walk at any time for actions deemed inappropriate.
I understand that to ensure all COVID-19 related safety procedures and onsite safety related dismissal procedures remain in place (i.e. ID checks and walker forms) dismissal will be decreased to our Procare curbside only. Authorized parents/guardians will remain in their vehicle, a Big Ideas staff member will identify authorized parent/guardian from a safe distance, and students will be called via walkie/talkie to go home. Students will not be released to unauthorized individual (i.e: minors under the age of 18, individuals not listed on the student’s registration or consent to pick up form, an individual that has been removed from the student’s registration per primary caregivers consent)
Late Pick Up Policy A late pickup is anytime after the program end time. Specific program times are posted at your school location. All late pick ups will be documented as a written notice. 3 or more notices of late pick ups will result in termination of services
NOTE: We kindly request that parents/guardians cooperate with picking up your students on time. We understand that emergences arise. We also understand that traffic can be challenging or hectic, but expect all children to remain in the program for the required amount of time and be picked up on time. Traffic issues and family emergencies do not excuse the written notice of late pick up.
Late Pickup/No Show Procedures In the event children are being picked up late, a designated staff member will remain with children until pickup by an adult that is authorized for student pickup.
This designated staff member will also do the following: 1. Contact parent or guardian at home, on his/her cellular phone or at work. 2. Contact persons that are listed on emergency contact information. 3. Contact supervisor to inform him/her that children are being supervised at the site after program hours. 4. Contact local authorities.
Participation Commitment It is the responsibility of each family to adhere to all policies and procedures outlined in the Big Ideas Parent handbook.
Agreement 1. Parent Participation Agreement: Each family MUST attend 3 scheduled Adult Family Member Events planned by Big Ideas Educational Services. These events may be attended by a parent/guardian, relative, or a family representative. 2 Program Time: Students must attend the after-school program daily and Sign out/dismissal is at 6:00 p.m. 3. Absences and Late/ Early Pickups. More than 3 absence (absent from school or not) in one month and/or early/late pickups will result in dis-enrollment from the program
Non-compliance 1. Parent Participation Agreement: Parents are responsible for fulfilling the participation agreement. Missing a scheduled Adult Family Member Event and student absences is a serious breach of the commitment parents make to the organization. a. Students are required to attend the after-school program daily. Students are allowed 3 total absences monthly. On the 4th absence in one month the student will be removed from the after-school program. b. The program staff will not accept any notice for absence (i.e. doctors note, parent notes, sick note, etc) 2. Program Time: Parent/guardian understands that this time commitment will ensure students receive the Program’s core components. Early dismissals (signing out before 5:30 p.m.) late pick-up (signing out after 6:00 p.m.) will result in removal from the after-school program. *Excessive Late is pick-up after 6:10pm 3 or more total occurrences throughout the after-school year 3. Late Policy: After 3 late and/or early pick ups monthly student(s) will be removed from the program. Late pick up is 6:01p.m
I hereby authorize Big Ideas Educational Services, Inc. to receive information related to my child’s academic information, i.e. I.E.P. – If applicable, State Standardized testing scores and school grades as authorized by myself or my child’s principal and to use the same in determining an appropriate educational plan for my child. My child’s academic information may NOT be shared outside of Big Ideas for any reason unless such information is made anonymous.
This statement notifies parents that all student information given to Big Ideas Educational Services, Inc. will be secured (maintain in a locked/secure environment) at the end of each working day. It is also our responsibility to ensure that all computer records maintaining student information is held securely and appropriately protected. In addition, all information obtained will be kept confidential.
I understand that family participation in ALL adult engagement activities are mandatory. Family non-participation will result in dismissal of services.
Termination A family may be terminated from the program for the following reasons: 1. Failure to fulfill the participation commitment as outlined above. 2. Excessive student absences and early/late pick-ups. 3. Physical and/or verbal abuse to staff or student by parent or child. 4. A child is enrolled in the program that has special needs which we cannot adequately meet with our current staffing plan. 5. If Big Ideas Educational Services deems it necessary to remove a family from the program, as defined in its policies and procedures, outlined in the parent handbook.
Miami Dade County Public School Disclosure We have noticed your interest in having your child participate in Big Ideas Educational Services, Inc. It is important to note that Big Ideas Educational Services, Inc. is not organized, contracted, staffed, or hosted by The School Board of Miami-Dade County, Florida. Any information you share is through a third-party or private organization. Any forms you are asked to complete belong to that third-party organization and not to M-DCPS. As a parent, please review these forms carefully, as you may be waiving certain legal rights for yourself and/or your child.